Sober Meditation
Quiet Path Effortless Deep Meditation has proven to be simple, powerful and effective for people seeking sobriety and relief from a wide range of addictions, as addressed by the many varieties of 12-step recovery currently available.
Hundreds of members of AA and other 12-step programs have learned Meditation from Paul Brown as part of their practice of the 11th step.

Ensure success by adding meditation to your practice
The 11th step of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) states that meditation is key to sobriety, however there is not a specific meditation practice or technique taught in “the rooms.” Additionally, many recovering alcoholics find maintaining a spiritual practice challenging. And yet it is necessary.
The 11th Step asks that both prayer and meditation be used to connect the recovering person to his or her Higher Power, (also referred to as “a power greater than oneself”).
QuietPath Meditation classes complement the AA program by supporting the practice of the 11th Step.
Why QuietPath Meditation particularly helps the western alcoholic
There are many types of meditation, and some require spiritual veneration, or knowledge of religious or cultural traditions, in order to have a deep meditative experience. QuietPath Meditation, however, requires no prerequisite knowledge nor does it align with any religion.
All that is needed is simple instruction to begin the practice.
In the United States, as a culture, we are constantly pressed towards action and productivity. Qualities of stillness and quietness do not fit into the American definition of success. For the alcoholic, stillness can be additionally threatening, providing little to distract the self from contemplating slipping back into self-destructive behaviors. However, with a regular QuietPath Meditation practice, one can develop the sense of inner peace that makes sitting still and quiet possible.
There is no effort required to successfully practice QuietPath Meditation. Unlike other forms of meditation that require the mind to clear itself of thoughts, QuietPath Meditation allows thoughts to drift by without concern or judgment; without any intention of altering one’s thoughts or mind. There is no required posture or position for the brief 20 minute meditation time, except to sit comfortably.

Does an alcoholic need more than meditation?
The introspection and contemplation brought about by the 12 Steps is integral to preparing the mind for meditation. QuietPath Meditation offers a daily reprieve from the painful feelings inevitably uprooted by this difficult step work.